"Designing large-scale landscapes through walking"
Grand Canyon
While reading the article "Designing large-scale landscapes through walking" it made me think about the walks I have been on. I have been on hikes where trails were laid down for us to walk on. I am not sure if the hikes I have been on were as intentionally planned as Schultz describes them to be, but a lot of what he said resonated with me. I have walked in the Grand Canyon, where I felt completely a part of nature because I was completely surrounded on all sides, even when looked up towards the beginning of the trail where we started. I have hiked in Calgary by Lake Louise, where the main focal point was the lake but as you went up the trail the view changed. One thing he wrote that also stuck out to me was "When someone walks down a street she co-produces the spatiality of the street and is simultaneously co-produced by it." This to me is so true, as you experience the space you too become part of it, and become the experience for others. It makes me better understand how some places can be absolutely beautiful but the trip is ruined/ influenced by the people around and in that area, who are either loud or not respectful. It is very impactful all of the small elements that can go into making a walk or large landscape successful, and it seems to me a lot of it is out of our own control.
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