Kailash Ecovillage
Kailash Ecovillage Location: Portland, Oregon Kailash Ecovillage, is a repurposed apartment complex, now outfitted in some units with a compost toilet and sustainable practices, and filled with a community of like-minded approach towards sustainability and the environment. Kailash Ecovillage is known for its sustainability practices. They are known for creating their own fertilizer. They have a process where both urine and human excrement are utilized in a safe and sustainable way. They work on creating as self-sufficient of a garden as they can with what they have on the site. They currently have many projects in the works: Rainwater harvesting project: divert all the roof stormwater from the sanitary sewer to on-site rain gardens. In a following project, Kailash Ecovillage was able to capture 100% of the driveway stormwater with three grate grains installed in the driveways allowing them to capture another 200,000 gallons per year, which will be cleaned in the rain ...